Explore the new issue: Crypto and blockchain: Cui bono?
The November issue of Duckbucks shines a light on crypto and blockchain in finance: Cui bono? Who will be the winners and losers of the blockchain era? The answers are being shaped by choices around investment, infrastructure and regulation. We hear from industry observers and decisionmakers on the intersection of blockchain with cybersecurity, AI, economic development and more.
What is Duckbucks? Your new digital magazine covering current, relevant, future-oriented and interdisciplinary financial topics. We publish six issues per year featuring engaging articles from industry experts and professionals to keep you informed.
How do I access Duckbucks? Duckbucks is available for subscription and single purchase in our shop, with six issues planned annually. Subscribers receive an email with a download link every time a new issue is published.
Why Duckbucks? To learn how leading experts are seeing the future of finance. Duckbucks provides diverse perspectives on our evolving financial architecture, offering insights directly from experts for professionals in the financial sector and beyond.
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